Know Your Lawn

Be Your Own Lawncare Professional

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Soil Sampling and Analysis

We take soil core samples to be sent to NC State laboratories for analysis leading to a soil report for the desired area(s) of your yard, (one area sample included in cost) This report will tell you what nutrients your yard is deficient in. We will supply you with the report and explanation of how to read the report.

Lawn Mapping

We map the areas of your yard and provide a printout of the square footage for each section (front, back and side yards) This information will supply you the knowledge needed to apply the proper amount of fertilizer or other products to your lawn.

Annual Lawn Maintenance Schedule

Depending on your lawn grass type, (Bermuda, Fescue, etc.) you will receive an Annual Maintenance Schedule, which will tell you when to fertilize, aerate and other important lawn care events.

Lawn Care Recommendations

You will receive recommendations on which fertilizers, pre and post emergents and other lawn care products to use.

Additional  Recommendations for a Beautiful Lawn

You will receive assorted tips for your lawn type to ensure lawn health and vigor.

Cost of Complete Package $89      
  Call Brian @ (704) 816-9747 to Schedule an Appointment